This is the documentation for CDH 5.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Known Issues Fixed in CDH 5.0.6

Upstream Issues Fixed

The following upstream issues are fixed in CDH 5.0.6:
  • HDFS-7960 - The full block report should prune zombie storages even if they're not empty
  • HDFS-7278 - Add a command that allows sysadmins to manually trigger full block reports from a DN
  • HDFS-6831 - Inconsistency between hdfs dfsadmin and hdfs dfsadmin -help
  • HDFS-7596 - NameNode should prune dead storages from storageMap
  • HDFS-7208 - NN doesn't schedule replication when a DN storage fails
  • HDFS-7575 - Upgrade should generate a unique storage ID for each volume
  • YARN-570 - Time strings are formatted in different timezone
  • YARN-2251 - Avoid negative elapsed time in JHS/MRAM web UI and services
  • HIVE-8874 - Error Accessing HBase from Hive via Oozie on Kerberos 5.0.1 cluster
  • SOLR-6268 - HdfsUpdateLog has a race condition that can expose a closed HDFS FileSystem instance and should close its FileSystem instance if either inherited close method is called.
  • SOLR-6393 - Improve transaction log replay speed on HDFS.
  • SOLR-6403 - TransactionLog replay status logging.
Page generated September 3, 2015.