This is the documentation for CDH 5.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Apache Sentry (incubating) Known Issues

INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL fails if you use only the Linux pathname

Bug: None

Severity: Low

Workaround: Prefix the path of the local file with file:// when using INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL.

INSERT OVERWRITE and CREATE EXTERNAL commands fail because of HDFS URI permissions

When you use Sentry to secure Hive, and use HDFS URIs in a HiveQL statement, the query will fail with an HDFS permissions error unless you specify the NameNode and port.

Bug: None

Severity: Low

Workaround: Specify the NameNode and port, where applicable, in the URI; for example specify hdfs://nn-uri:port/user/warehouse/hive/tab rather than simply /user/warehouse/hive/tab. In a high-availability deployment, specify the value of FS.defaultFS.

Page generated September 3, 2015.