This is the documentation for CDH 5.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Apache Hive Incompatible Changes

CDH 5 Beta 2 includes Hive version 0.12. Upgrading to Hive 0.12 requires a metastore schema upgrade.

You must upgrade the metastore schema before starting the new version of Hive. Failure to do so may result in metastore corruption.

CDH 5 includes a new offline tool called schematool which is the recommended method for upgrading your metastore schema.
schemaTool -d <dbType> -upgradeSchema
See Upgrade the Metastore Schema for more information and alternative methods to upgrade.

The following are additional incompatible changes between CDH 4.x and CDH 5:

  • The upgrade of Hive from CDH 4.x to CDH 5 requires several manual steps. Please be sure to follow the upgrade guide closely. See Upgrading Hive.
  • The CDH 4 JDBC client is not compatible with the CDH 5 HiveServer2. JDBC applications connecting to the CDH 5 Hive server will require the CDH 5 JDBC client driver.
  • JDBC applications will require the newer CDH 5 JDBC packages in order to connect to HiveServer2. You do not need to recompile applications for this change.
  • The original Hive server (HiveServer1) and the Hive command-line interface (CLI) are not supported in CDH 5; use HiveServer2 instead.
  • CDH 5 Hue will not work with HiveServer2 from CDH 4.
  • The npath function has been removed.
  • Cloudera recommends that custom ObjectInspectors created for use with custom SerDes have a no-argument constructor in addition to their normal constructors, for serialization purposes. See HIVE-5380 for more details.
  • The SerDe interface has been changed which requires the custom SerDe modules to be reworked.
  • The decimal datatype format has been changed in CDH 5 Beta 2 and is no longer compatible with CDH 4.
  • CDH 5 Beta 2 onwards, the Parquet SerDe is part of the Hive package. The SerDe class name has changed as a result. However, there is a wrapper class for backward compatibility, so any existing Hive tables created with Parquet SerDe will continue to work with CDH 5 Beta 2 Hive.
Page generated September 3, 2015.