This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Query Options for the SET Command

You can specify the following options within an impala-shell session, and those settings affect all queries issued from that session.

Some query options are useful in day-to-day operations for improving usability, performance, or flexibility.

Other query options control special-purpose aspects of Impala operation and are intended primarily for advanced debugging or troubleshooting.

  Note: Currently, there is no way to set query options directly through the JDBC and ODBC interfaces. For JDBC and ODBC applications, you can execute queries that need specific query options by invoking impala-shell to run a script that starts with SET commands, or by defining query options globally through the impalad startup flag --default_query_options.

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Page generated September 3, 2015.