
This section describes common configuration and setup errors.

Configuration Issues

Depending on the size of the cluster, it can take up to 25 minutes or longer to deploy. If issues occur during deployment, check the following:

  1. Incorrectly configured credentials

  2. Overly specific region (us-west-2a instead of us-west-2)

  3. Specifying default as the security group instead of its security group ID

  4. Specifying a security group that is not part of the VPC

To troubleshoot configuration issues, view the application.log file.

After you correct the issue, delete the state.h2.db file and run Cloudera Director again.

DNS Issues

The AWS VPC must be set up for forward and reverse hostname resolution.

DHCP Issues

Depending on the size of the disk, it can take a while for the Cloudera Manager to become available. If it takes too long, do the following:

  1. Log in to web console at

  2. Select VPC from the Services navigation list box.

  3. In the left pane, click Your VPCs. A list of currently configured VPCs appears.

  4. Select the VPC you are using and note the DHCP options set ID.

  5. In the left pane, click DHCP Option Sets. A list of currently configured DHCP Option Sets appears.

  6. Select the option set used by the VPC.

  7. Check for an entry similar to the following and make sure domain-name is specified:

    domain-name = ec2.internal
    domain-name-servers = AmazonProvidedDNS 
  8. If it is not configured correctly, create a new DHCP option set for the specified region and assign it to the VPC. For information on how to specify the correct domain name, see the AWS Documentation.

AMI Issues

It can be difficult to find a list of Amazon machine images (AMIs) that you can choose from. The following example shows how to generate a list of RHEL 64-bit images.

  1. Install the AWS CLI.
    $ sudo pip install awscli
  2. Configure the AWS CLI.
    $ aws configure

    Follow the prompts. Choose any output format. The following example command defines "table" as the format.

  3. Run the following query:
    aws ec2 describe-images \
      --output table \
      --query 'Images[*].[VirtualizationType,Name,ImageId]' \
      --owners 309956199498 \
      --filters \
        Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs \
        Name=image-type,Values=machine \
        Name=is-public,Values=true \
        Name=hypervisor,Values=xen \

    AWS returns a table of available images in the region you configured.