This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Cloudera Search Tutorial

The topics in this tutorial document assume you have completed the instructions in the Cloudera Search Installation Guide.

This tutorial describes preparatory steps of:

There two tutorial topics, including indexing strategies, are:

These tutorials use a modified schema.xml and solrconfig.xml file. In the versions of these files included with the tutorial, unused fields have been removed for simplicity. Note that the original versions of these files include many additional options. For information on all available options, including those that were not required for the tutorial, see the Solr wiki:
  Note: Depending on which installation approach you use, Search may be installed to different locations.
  • Installing Search using Cloudera Manager using parcels results in changes under /opt/cloudera/parcels.
  • Installing using packages, either manually or using Cloudera Manager, results in changes to various locations throughout the file system. Common locations for changes include /usr/lib/, /etc/default/, and /usr/share/doc/.

The tutorial provides examples that work with an environment established using a package-based installation. If you installed Cloudera Search using Parcels, adjust paths accordingly.

Page generated September 3, 2015.