Deploying a Java 8 Cluster

When you install Cloudera Manager and CDH clusters in the cloud with Cloudera Director, a version of the Java JDK is installed on each instance during the bootstrap process. By default, Cloudera Director installs a version of Java 7, but Java 8 can be installed, instead, by running the bootstrap script described on this page.

javaInstallationStrategy configuration

In order to use this bootstrap script, you must configure your deployment to use a javaInstallationStrategy value of NONE. This can be done using a configuration file or using the Cloudera Director API, but this property is not currently configurable in the Cloudera Director web UI. Here is how this setting would look in a configuration file:

cloudera-manager {

    instance: ${instances.m3x} {
        tags {
            application: "Cloudera Manager 5"
    javaInstallationStrategy: NONE

After the Cloudera Manager deployment has been created, additional Java 8 clusters can be added from the web web UI using the bootstrap script.

Bootstrap script

The bootstrap script is located on the Cloudera public GitHub site. Also on the site is a copy of the instructions for using the script, Deploying a Java 8 cluster.

Use as the bootstrap script for the instance templates in your cluster. This will install Java 8, which will be used to run Cloudera Manager and all of the cluster services. The following example shows how this might look in a configuration file:
instances {
    m3x {
        type: m3.xlarge
        image: ami-6283a827
        bootstrapScriptsPaths: ["/script-path/"]
Alternatively, you can copy the contents of the bootstrap script itself and use the bootstrapScript property instead.