Hive Properties in CDH 4.0.0



Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Deploy Directory The directory where the client configs will be deployed /etc/hive client_config_root_dir true
Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into the client configuration for hive-site.xml. hive_client_config_safety_valve false
Gateway Client Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into the client configuration for hive_client_env_safety_valve false
Client Java Configuration Options These are Java command line arguments. Commonly, garbage collection flags or extra debugging flags would be passed here. -XX:MaxPermSize=512M hive_client_java_opts false
Hive Metastore Connection Timeout Timeout for requests to the Hive Metastore Server. Consider increasing this if you have tables with a lot of metadata and see timeout errors. Used by most Hive Metastore clients such as Hive CLI and HiveServer2, but not by Impala. Impala has a separately configured timeout. hive.metastore.client.socket.timeout 5 minute(s) hive_metastore_timeout false
Gateway Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into for this role only. log4j_safety_valve false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Gateway Logging Threshold The minimum log level for Gateway logs INFO log_threshold false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Configuration Change Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when this entity's configuration changes. false enable_config_alerts false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Alternatives Priority The priority level that the client configuration will have in the Alternatives system on the hosts. Higher priority levels will cause Alternatives to prefer this configuration over any others. 90 client_config_priority true

Resource Management

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Client Java Heap Size in Bytes Maximum size in bytes for the Java process heap memory. Passed to Java -Xmx. 2 GiB hive_client_java_heapsize false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Suppress Configuration Validator: CDH Version Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the CDH Version Validator configuration validator. false role_config_suppression_cdh_version_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Deploy Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Deploy Directory parameter. false role_config_suppression_client_config_root_dir true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_client_config_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Gateway Client Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Gateway Client Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_client_env_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Client Java Configuration Options Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Client Java Configuration Options parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_client_java_opts true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Gateway Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Gateway Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false role_config_suppression_log4j_safety_valve true



Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml For advanced use only. A string to be inserted into hive-site.xml for this role only. hive_metastore_config_safety_valve false
Hive Metastore Server Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's environment. Applies to configurations of this role except client configuration. hive_metastore_env_safety_valve false
Java Configuration Options for Hive Metastore Server These arguments will be passed as part of the Java command line. Commonly, garbage collection flags or extra debugging flags would be passed here. -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled hive_metastore_java_opts false
Max Hive Metastore Server Threads Maximum number of worker threads in the Hive Metastore Server's thread pool hive.metastore.server.max.threads 100000 hive_metastore_max_threads true
Min Hive Metastore Server Threads Minimum number of worker threads in the Hive Metastore Server's thread pool hive.metastore.server.min.threads 200 hive_metastore_min_threads true
Hive Metastore Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into for this role only. log4j_safety_valve false
Heap Dump Directory Path to directory where heap dumps are generated when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error is thrown. This directory is automatically created if it does not exist. If this directory already exists, role user must have write access to this directory. If this directory is shared among multiple roles, it should have 1777 permissions. The heap dump files are created with 600 permissions and are owned by the role user. The amount of free space in this directory should be greater than the maximum Java Process heap size configured for this role. oom_heap_dump_dir /tmp oom_heap_dump_dir false
Dump Heap When Out of Memory When set, generates heap dump file when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown. false oom_heap_dump_enabled true
Kill When Out of Memory When set, a SIGKILL signal is sent to the role process when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown. true oom_sigkill_enabled true
Automatically Restart Process When set, this role's process is automatically (and transparently) restarted in the event of an unexpected failure. false process_auto_restart true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Hive Metastore Server Log Directory Directory where Hive Metastore Server will place its log files. /var/log/hive hive_log_dir false
Hive Metastore Server Logging Threshold The minimum log level for Hive Metastore Server logs INFO log_threshold false
Hive Metastore Server Maximum Log File Backups The maximum number of rolled log files to keep for Hive Metastore Server logs. Typically used by log4j or logback. 10 max_log_backup_index false
Hive Metastore Server Max Log Size The maximum size, in megabytes, per log file for Hive Metastore Server logs. Typically used by log4j or logback. 200 MiB max_log_size false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Health Alerts for this Role When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when the health of this role reaches the threshold specified by the EventServer setting eventserver_health_events_alert_threshold true enable_alerts false
Enable Configuration Change Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when this entity's configuration changes. false enable_config_alerts false
Heap Dump Directory Free Space Monitoring Absolute Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring of free space on the filesystem that contains this role's heap dump directory. Warning: 10 GiB, Critical: 5 GiB heap_dump_directory_free_space_absolute_thresholds false
Heap Dump Directory Free Space Monitoring Percentage Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring of free space on the filesystem that contains this role's heap dump directory. Specified as a percentage of the capacity on that filesystem. This setting is not used if a Heap Dump Directory Free Space Monitoring Absolute Thresholds setting is configured. Warning: Never, Critical: Never heap_dump_directory_free_space_percentage_thresholds false
File Descriptor Monitoring Thresholds The health test thresholds of the number of file descriptors used. Specified as a percentage of file descriptor limit. Warning: 50.0 %, Critical: 70.0 % hivemetastore_fd_thresholds false
Hive Metastore Server Host Health Test When computing the overall Hive Metastore Server health, consider the host's health. true hivemetastore_host_health_enabled false
Pause Duration Thresholds The health test thresholds for the weighted average extra time the pause monitor spent paused. Specified as a percentage of elapsed wall clock time. Warning: 30.0, Critical: 60.0 hivemetastore_pause_duration_thresholds false
Pause Duration Monitoring Period The period to review when computing the moving average of extra time the pause monitor spent paused. 5 minute(s) hivemetastore_pause_duration_window false
Hive Metastore Server Process Health Test Enables the health test that the Hive Metastore Server's process state is consistent with the role configuration true hivemetastore_scm_health_enabled false
Log Directory Free Space Monitoring Absolute Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring of free space on the filesystem that contains this role's log directory. Warning: 10 GiB, Critical: 5 GiB log_directory_free_space_absolute_thresholds false
Log Directory Free Space Monitoring Percentage Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring of free space on the filesystem that contains this role's log directory. Specified as a percentage of the capacity on that filesystem. This setting is not used if a Log Directory Free Space Monitoring Absolute Thresholds setting is configured. Warning: Never, Critical: Never log_directory_free_space_percentage_thresholds false
Hive Metastore Canary Health Test Enables the health test that checks that basic Hive Metastore operations succeed true metastore_canary_health_enabled false
Process Swap Memory Thresholds The health test thresholds on the swap memory usage of the process. Warning: Any, Critical: Never process_swap_memory_thresholds false
Role Triggers The configured triggers for this role. This is a JSON formatted list of triggers. These triggers are evaluated as part as the health system. Every trigger expression is parsed, and if the trigger condition is met, the list of actions provided in the trigger expression is executed. Each trigger has the following fields:
  • triggerName (mandatory) - The name of the trigger. This value must be unique for the specific role.
  • triggerExpression (mandatory) - A tsquery expression representing the trigger.
  • streamThreshold (optional) - The maximum number of streams that can satisfy a condition of a trigger before the condition fires. By default set to 0, and any stream returned causes the condition to fire.
  • enabled (optional) - By default set to 'true'. If set to 'false', the trigger is not evaluated.
  • expressionEditorConfig (optional) - Metadata for the trigger editor. If present, the trigger should only be edited from the Edit Trigger page; editing the trigger here can lead to inconsistencies.
For example, the following JSON formatted trigger configured for a DataNode fires if the DataNode has more than 1500 file descriptors opened:[{"triggerName": "sample-trigger", "triggerExpression": "IF (SELECT fd_open WHERE roleName=$ROLENAME and last(fd_open) > 1500) DO health:bad", "streamThreshold": 0, "enabled": "true"}]See the trigger rules documentation for more details on how to write triggers using tsquery.The JSON format is evolving and may change and, as a result, backward compatibility is not guaranteed between releases.
[] role_triggers true
Unexpected Exits Thresholds The health test thresholds for unexpected exits encountered within a recent period specified by the unexpected_exits_window configuration for the role. Warning: Never, Critical: Any unexpected_exits_thresholds false
Unexpected Exits Monitoring Period The period to review when computing unexpected exits. 5 minute(s) unexpected_exits_window false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Maximum Process File Descriptors If configured, overrides the process soft and hard rlimits (also called ulimits) for file descriptors to the configured value. rlimit_fds false

Ports and Addresses

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Hive Metastore Server Port Port on which Hive Metastore Server will listen for connections. hive.metastore.port 9083 hive_metastore_port false

Resource Management

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Java Heap Size of Hive Metastore Server in Bytes Maximum size in bytes for the Java Process heap memory. Passed to Java -Xmx. 256 MiB hive_metastore_java_heapsize false
Cgroup CPU Shares Number of CPU shares to assign to this role. The greater the number of shares, the larger the share of the host's CPUs that will be given to this role when the host experiences CPU contention. Must be between 2 and 262144. Defaults to 1024 for processes not managed by Cloudera Manager. cpu.shares 1024 rm_cpu_shares true
Cgroup I/O Weight Weight for the read I/O requests issued by this role. The greater the weight, the higher the priority of the requests when the host experiences I/O contention. Must be between 100 and 1000. Defaults to 1000 for processes not managed by Cloudera Manager. blkio.weight 500 rm_io_weight true
Cgroup Memory Hard Limit Hard memory limit to assign to this role, enforced by the Linux kernel. When the limit is reached, the kernel will reclaim pages charged to the process. If reclaiming fails, the kernel may kill the process. Both anonymous as well as page cache pages contribute to the limit. Use a value of -1 B to specify no limit. By default processes not managed by Cloudera Manager will have no limit. memory.limit_in_bytes -1 MiB rm_memory_hard_limit true
Cgroup Memory Soft Limit Soft memory limit to assign to this role, enforced by the Linux kernel. When the limit is reached, the kernel will reclaim pages charged to the process if and only if the host is facing memory pressure. If reclaiming fails, the kernel may kill the process. Both anonymous as well as page cache pages contribute to the limit. Use a value of -1 B to specify no limit. By default processes not managed by Cloudera Manager will have no limit. memory.soft_limit_in_bytes -1 MiB rm_memory_soft_limit true

Stacks Collection

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Stacks Collection Data Retention The amount of stacks data that is retained. After the retention limit is reached, the oldest data is deleted. stacks_collection_data_retention 100 MiB stacks_collection_data_retention false
Stacks Collection Directory The directory in which stacks logs are placed. If not set, stacks are logged into a stacks subdirectory of the role's log directory. stacks_collection_directory stacks_collection_directory false
Stacks Collection Enabled Whether or not periodic stacks collection is enabled. stacks_collection_enabled false stacks_collection_enabled true
Stacks Collection Frequency The frequency with which stacks are collected. stacks_collection_frequency 5.0 second(s) stacks_collection_frequency false
Stacks Collection Method The method used to collect stacks. The jstack option involves periodically running the jstack command against the role's daemon process. The servlet method is available for those roles that have an HTTP server endpoint exposing the current stacks traces of all threads. When the servlet method is selected, that HTTP endpoint is periodically scraped. stacks_collection_method jstack stacks_collection_method false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Suppress Configuration Validator: CDH Version Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the CDH Version Validator configuration validator. false role_config_suppression_cdh_version_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Server Log Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Server Log Directory parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_log_dir true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_metastore_config_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Server Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Server Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_metastore_env_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Java Configuration Options for Hive Metastore Server Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Java Configuration Options for Hive Metastore Server parameter. false role_config_suppression_hive_metastore_java_opts true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false role_config_suppression_log4j_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Heap Dump Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Heap Dump Directory parameter. false role_config_suppression_oom_heap_dump_dir true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Role Triggers Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Role Triggers parameter. false role_config_suppression_role_triggers true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Stacks Collection Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Stacks Collection Directory parameter. false role_config_suppression_stacks_collection_directory true
Suppress Health Test: Hive Metastore Canary Whether to suppress the results of the Hive Metastore Canary heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_canary_health true
Suppress Health Test: File Descriptors Whether to suppress the results of the File Descriptors heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_file_descriptor true
Suppress Health Test: Heap Dump Directory Free Space Whether to suppress the results of the Heap Dump Directory Free Space heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_heap_dump_directory_free_space true
Suppress Health Test: Host Health Whether to suppress the results of the Host Health heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_host_health true
Suppress Health Test: Log Directory Free Space Whether to suppress the results of the Log Directory Free Space heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_log_directory_free_space true
Suppress Health Test: Pause Duration Whether to suppress the results of the Pause Duration heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_pause_duration true
Suppress Health Test: Process Status Whether to suppress the results of the Process Status heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_scm_health true
Suppress Health Test: Swap Memory Usage Whether to suppress the results of the Swap Memory Usage heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_swap_memory_usage true
Suppress Health Test: Unexpected Exits Whether to suppress the results of the Unexpected Exits heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false role_health_suppression_hivemetastore_unexpected_exits true



Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Hive Auxiliary JARs Directory Directory containing auxiliary JARs used by Hive. This should be a directory location and not a classpath containing one or more JARs. This directory must be created and managed manually on hosts that run the Hive Metastore Server, HiveServer2, or the Hive CLI. The directory location is set in the environment as HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH and will generally override the hive.aux.jars.path property set in XML files, even if hive.aux.jars.path is set in an advanced configuration snippet. hive_aux_jars_path_dir false
Bypass Hive Metastore Server Instead of talking to Hive Metastore Server for Metastore information, Hive clients will talk directly to the Metastore database. false hive_bypass_metastore_server false
Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into core-site.xml. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client configuration. hive_core_site_safety_valve false
Hive Replication Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into the environment of Hive replication jobs. hive_replication_env_safety_valve false
Server Name for Sentry Authorization The server name used when defining privilege rules in Sentry authorization. Sentry uses this name as an alias for the Hive service. It does not correspond to any physical server name. hive.sentry.server server1 hive_sentry_server false
Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for sentry-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into sentry-site.xml. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client configuration. hive_server2_sentry_safety_valve false
Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into hive-site.xml. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client configuration. hive_service_config_safety_valve false
Hive Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's environment. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client configuration. hive_service_env_safety_valve false
Hive Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into hive-site.xml. Applies to all Hive Replication jobs. hive_service_replication_config_safety_valve false
Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into the client configuration for navigator_client_config_safety_valve false
System Group The group that this service's processes should run as. hive process_groupname true
System User The user that this service's processes should run as. hive process_username true

Cloudera Navigator

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Audit Collection Enable collection of audit events from the service's roles. true navigator_audit_enabled false
Audit Event Filter Event filters are defined in a JSON object like the following: { "defaultAction" : ("accept", "discard"), "rules" : [ { "action" : ("accept", "discard"), "fields" : [ { "name" : "fieldName", "match" : "regex" } ] } ] } A filter has a default action and a list of rules, in order of precedence. Each rule defines an action, and a list of fields to match against the audit event. A rule is "accepted" if all the listed field entries match the audit event. At that point, the action declared by the rule is taken. If no rules match the event, the default action is taken. Actions default to "accept" if not defined in the JSON object. The following is the list of fields that can be filtered for Hive events:
  • userName: the user performing the action.
  • ipAddress: the IP from where the request originated.
  • operation: the Hive operation being performed.
  • databaseName: the databaseName for the operation.
  • tableName: the tableName for the operation.
The default Hive audit event filter discards HDFS directory events generated by Hive jobs that reference the /tmp directory.
navigator.event.filter comment : [ The default Hive audit event filter discards HDFS directory events , generated by Hive jobs that reference the /tmp directory. ], defaultAction : accept, rules : [ action : discard, fields : [ name : operation, match : QUERY , name : objectType, match : DFS_DIR, name : resourcePath, match : /tmp/hive-(?:.+)?/hive_(?:.+)?/-mr-.* ] ] navigator_audit_event_filter false
Audit Queue Policy Action to take when the audit event queue is full. Drop the event or shutdown the affected process. navigator.batch.queue_policy DROP navigator_audit_queue_policy false
Audit Event Tracker Configures the rules for event tracking and coalescing. This feature is used to define equivalency between different audit events. When events match, according to a set of configurable parameters, only one entry in the audit list is generated for all the matching events. Tracking works by keeping a reference to events when they first appear, and comparing other incoming events against the "tracked" events according to the rules defined here. Event trackers are defined in a JSON object like the following: { "timeToLive" : [integer], "fields" : [ { "type" : [string], "name" : [string] } ] } Where:
  • timeToLive: maximum amount of time an event will be tracked, in milliseconds. Must be provided. This defines how long, since it's first seen, an event will be tracked. A value of 0 disables tracking.
  • fields: list of fields to compare when matching events against tracked events.
Each field has an evaluator type associated with it. The evaluator defines how the field data is to be compared. The following evaluators are available:
  • value: uses the field value for comparison.
  • userName: treats the field value as a userNname, and ignores any host-specific data. This is useful for environment using Kerberos, so that only the principal name and realm are compared.
The following is the list of fields that can be used to compare Hive events:
  • operation: the Hive operation being performed.
  • username: the user performing the action.
  • ipAddress: the IP from where the request originated.
  • allowed: whether the operation was allowed or denied.
  • databaseName: the database affected by the operation.
  • tableName: the table or view affected by the operation.
  • objectType: the type of object affected by the operation.
  • resourcePath: the path of the resource affected by the operation.
navigator_event_tracker navigator_event_tracker false

Hive Metastore Database

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Auto Create and Upgrade Hive Metastore Database Schema Automatically create or upgrade tables in the Hive Metastore database when needed. Consider setting this to false and managing the schema manually. datanucleus.autoCreateSchema false hive_metastore_database_auto_create_schema false
Hive Metastore Database DataNucleus Metadata Validation Perform DataNucleus validation of metadata during startup. Note: when enabled, Hive will log DataNucleus warnings even though Hive will function normally. datanucleus.metadata.validate false hive_metastore_database_datanucleus_metadata_validation false
Fixed Datastore Disallow any implicit schema changes in the Hive Metastore database via DataNucleus. datanucleus.fixedDatastore true hive_metastore_database_fixed_datastore false
Hive Metastore Database Host Host name of Hive Metastore database localhost hive_metastore_database_host false
Hive Metastore Database Name Name of Hive Metastore database metastore hive_metastore_database_name false
Hive Metastore Database Password Password for Hive Metastore database javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword hive_metastore_database_password false
Hive Metastore Database Port Port number of Hive Metastore database 3306 hive_metastore_database_port false
Hive Metastore Database Type Type of Hive Metastore database. Note that Derby is not recommended and Cloudera Impala does not support Derby. mysql hive_metastore_database_type false
Hive Metastore Database User User for Hive Metastore database javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName hive hive_metastore_database_user false
Hive Metastore Derby Path Directory name where Hive Metastore's database is stored (only for Derby) /var/lib/hive/cloudera_manager/derby/metastore_db hive_metastore_derby_path false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Audit Log Directory Path to the directory where audit logs will be written. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist. audit_event_log_dir /var/log/hive/audit audit_event_log_dir false
Maximum Audit Log File Size Maximum size of audit log file in MB before it is rolled over. navigator.audit_log_max_file_size 100 MiB navigator_audit_log_max_file_size false
Number of Audit Logs to Retain Maximum number of rolled-over audit logs to retain. The logs are not deleted if they contain audit events that have not yet been propagated to the Audit Server. navigator.client.max_num_audit_log 10 navigator_client_max_num_audit_log false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Service Level Health Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when the health of this service reaches the threshold specified by the EventServer setting eventserver_health_events_alert_threshold true enable_alerts false
Enable Configuration Change Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when this entity's configuration changes. false enable_config_alerts false
Healthy Hive Metastore Server Monitoring Thresholds The health test thresholds of the overall Hive Metastore Server health. The check returns "Concerning" health if the percentage of "Healthy" Hive Metastore Servers falls below the warning threshold. The check is unhealthy if the total percentage of "Healthy" and "Concerning" Hive Metastore Servers falls below the critical threshold. Warning: 99.0 %, Critical: 51.0 % hive_hivemetastores_healthy_thresholds false
Service Triggers The configured triggers for this service. This is a JSON formatted list of triggers. These triggers are evaluated as part as the health system. Every trigger expression is parsed, and if the trigger condition is met, the list of actions provided in the trigger expression is executed. Each trigger has the following fields:
  • triggerName (mandatory) - The name of the trigger. This value must be unique for the specific service.
  • triggerExpression (mandatory) - A tsquery expression representing the trigger.
  • streamThreshold (optional) - The maximum number of streams that can satisfy a condition of a trigger before the condition fires. By default set to 0, and any stream returned causes the condition to fire.
  • enabled (optional) - By default set to 'true'. If set to 'false', the trigger is not evaluated.
  • expressionEditorConfig (optional) - Metadata for the trigger editor. If present, the trigger should only be edited from the Edit Trigger page; editing the trigger here can lead to inconsistencies.
For example, the followig JSON formatted trigger fires if there are more than 10 DataNodes with more than 500 file descriptors opened:[{"triggerName": "sample-trigger", "triggerExpression": "IF (SELECT fd_open WHERE roleType = DataNode and last(fd_open) > 500) DO health:bad", "streamThreshold": 10, "enabled": "true"}]See the trigger rules documentation for more details on how to write triggers using tsquery.The JSON format is evolving and may change and, as a result, backward compatibility is not guaranteed between releases.
[] service_triggers true
Service Monitor Client Config Overrides For advanced use only, a list of configuration properties that will be used by the Service Monitor instead of the current client configuration for the service. <property><name>hive.metastore.client.socket.timeout</name><value>60</value></property> smon_client_config_overrides false
Service Monitor Derived Configs Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, a list of derived configuration properties that will be used by the Service Monitor instead of the default ones. smon_derived_configs_safety_valve false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
HBase Service Name of the HBase service that this Hive service instance depends on. hbase_service false
Hive Bytes Per Reducer Size per reducer. If the input size is 10GiB and this is set to 1GiB, Hive will use 10 reducers. hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer 64 MiB hive_bytes_per_reducer false
Hive Max Reducers Max number of reducers to use. If the configuration parameter Hive Reduce Tasks is negative, Hive will limit the number of reducers to the value of this parameter. hive.exec.reducers.max 1099 hive_max_reducers false
Hive Reduce Tasks Default number of reduce tasks per job. Usually set to a prime number close to the number of available hosts. Ignored when mapred.job.tracker is "local". Hadoop sets this to 1 by default, while Hive uses -1 as the default. When set to -1, Hive will automatically determine an appropriate number of reducers for each job. mapred.reduce.tasks -1 hive_reduce_tasks false
Set User and Group Information In unsecure mode, setting this property to true will cause the Metastore Server to execute DFS operations using the client's reported user and group permissions. Cloudera Manager will set this for all clients and servers. hive.metastore.execute.setugi true hive_set_ugi true
Hive Warehouse Directory Hive warehouse directory is the location in HDFS where Hive's tables are stored. Note that Hive's default value for its warehouse directory is '/user/hive/warehouse'. hive.metastore.warehouse.dir /user/hive/warehouse hive_warehouse_directory false
Hive Warehouse Subdirectories Inherit Permissions Let the table directories inherit the permission of the Warehouse or Database directory instead of being created with the permissions derived from dfs umask. This allows Impala to insert into tables created via Hive. hive.warehouse.subdir.inherit.perms true hive_warehouse_subdir_inherit_perms true
MapReduce Service MapReduce jobs are run against this service. mapreduce_yarn_service true
ZooKeeper Service Name of the ZooKeeper service that this Hive service instance depends on. zookeeper_service false

Policy File Based Sentry

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Sentry User to Group Mapping Class The class to use in Sentry authorization for user to group mapping. Sentry authorization may be configured to use either Hadoop user to group mapping or local groups defined in the policy file. Hadoop user to group mapping may be configured in the Cloudera Manager HDFS service configuration page under the Security section. hive.sentry.provider org.apache.sentry.provider.file.HadoopGroupResourceAuthorizationProvider hive_sentry_provider false
Sentry Global Policy File HDFS path to the global policy file for Sentry authorization. This should be a relative path (and not a full HDFS URL). The global policy file must be in Sentry policy file format. hive.sentry.provider.resource /user/hive/sentry/sentry-provider.ini hive_sentry_provider_resource false
Enable Sentry Authorization using Policy Files Use Sentry to enable role-based, fine-grained authorization. This configuration enables Sentry using policy files. To enable Sentry using the Sentry service instead, add the Sentry service as a dependency to the Hive service. The Sentry service provides concurrent and secure access to authorization policy metadata and is the recommended option for enabling Sentry. Sentry is supported only on CDH 4.4 or later deployments. Before enabling Sentry, read the requirements and configuration steps in Setting Up Hive Authorization with Sentry . hive.sentry.enabled false sentry_enabled false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Kerberos Principal Kerberos principal short name used by all roles of this service. hive kerberos_princ_name true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Suppress Parameter Validation: Audit Log Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Audit Log Directory parameter. false service_config_suppression_audit_event_log_dir true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Gateway Count Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Gateway Count Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_gateway_count_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Auxiliary JARs Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Auxiliary JARs Directory parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_aux_jars_path_dir true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Hive Bypass Metastore Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Hive Bypass Metastore Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_hive_bypass_metastore_validator true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Hive Concurrency Configuration Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Hive Concurrency Configuration Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_hive_concurrency_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_core_site_safety_valve true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Hive Derby Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Hive Derby Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_hive_derby_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Database Host Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Database Host parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_metastore_database_host true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Database Name Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Database Name parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_metastore_database_name true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Database Password Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Database Password parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_metastore_database_password true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Database User Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Database User parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_metastore_database_user true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Metastore Derby Path Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Metastore Derby Path parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_metastore_derby_path true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Replication Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Replication Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_replication_env_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Sentry Global Policy File Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Sentry Global Policy File parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_sentry_provider_resource true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Server Name for Sentry Authorization Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Server Name for Sentry Authorization parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_sentry_server true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Hive Sentry Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Hive Sentry Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_hive_sentry_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for sentry-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for sentry-site.xml parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_server2_sentry_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_service_config_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_service_env_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_service_replication_config_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Warehouse Directory Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Warehouse Directory parameter. false service_config_suppression_hive_warehouse_directory true
Suppress Configuration Validator: Hive Metastore Server Count Validator Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the Hive Metastore Server Count Validator configuration validator. false service_config_suppression_hivemetastore_count_validator true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Kerberos Principal Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Kerberos Principal parameter. false service_config_suppression_kerberos_princ_name true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Audit Event Filter Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Audit Event Filter parameter. false service_config_suppression_navigator_audit_event_filter true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Hive Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for parameter. false service_config_suppression_navigator_client_config_safety_valve true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Audit Event Tracker Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Audit Event Tracker parameter. false service_config_suppression_navigator_event_tracker true
Suppress Parameter Validation: System Group Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the System Group parameter. false service_config_suppression_process_groupname true
Suppress Parameter Validation: System User Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the System User parameter. false service_config_suppression_process_username true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Service Triggers Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Service Triggers parameter. false service_config_suppression_service_triggers true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Service Monitor Client Config Overrides Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Service Monitor Client Config Overrides parameter. false service_config_suppression_smon_client_config_overrides true
Suppress Parameter Validation: Service Monitor Derived Configs Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Whether to suppress configuration warnings produced by the built-in parameter validation for the Service Monitor Derived Configs Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) parameter. false service_config_suppression_smon_derived_configs_safety_valve true
Suppress Health Test: Hive Metastore Server Health Whether to suppress the results of the Hive Metastore Server Health heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false service_health_suppression_hive_hivemetastores_healthy true
Suppress Health Test: HiveServer2 Health Whether to suppress the results of the HiveServer2 Health heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false service_health_suppression_hive_hiveserver2s_healthy true
Suppress Health Test: WebHCat Server Health Whether to suppress the results of the WebHCat Server Health heath test. The results of suppressed health tests are ignored when computing the overall health of the associated host, role or service, so suppressed health tests will not generate alerts. false service_health_suppression_hive_webhcats_healthy true