
This section provides guidance on problems you may encounter when installing or running Netezza connector.

How do I verify that the Netezza connector has been properly installed?

To verify that the Netezza connector has been loaded, use the --verbose option on the Sqoop command line. If the connector is properly installed, you see a message that sayscom.cloudera.sqoop.manager.NetezzaManagerFactory has been loaded.
$ sqoop import --connect jdbc:netezza//nzhost/PGTESTDB --username admin \
--password password --table TESTTABLE --num-mappers 1 --escaped-by '\\' \
--verbose ... 11/06/08 12:58:37 DEBUG sqoop.ConnFactory: Loaded manager factory:
com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.NetezzaManagerFactory ...

Imports fail with errors such as: ' Caused by: org.netezza.error.NzSQLException: Driver can process one query at one time '

Certain versions of the Netezza JDBC driver (nzjdbc3.jar) are susceptible to this problem. You can work around this problem by changing to a different version of the Netezza JDBC driver. To determine the version of the Netazza JDBC driver you are using, open nzjdbc.jar and look at file. The following is an example of a version that can import successfully.

$ jar xvf nzjdbc3.jar
$ cat
full.version=Release 6.0
driver [build 16564] JDBC Driver NPS

Operations fail with an "unable to validate object type" error

Operations fail with error: ' Unable to validate object type for given table. Please ensure that the given user name and table name is in the correct case. If you are not sure, please use upper case to specify both these values.'

Starting with version 1.0.5 of Cloudera Connector for Netezza, you must specify the username and table name in the correct case. If you are not sure of the exact case of the username or the table name, specify them in UPPERCASE. By default, Netezza converts object names to upper case unless they were specified within quotes during creation. If converting these to UPPERCASE does not resolve this problem, contact your Netezza administrator to find out the exact case of these values.

Because the username and table name must be specified in the correct case, the Sqoop commands that worked with earlier versions might stop working. After these values are specified in the correct case, these commands should work as expected again.