Known Issues and Workarounds in Cloudera Director

The following sections describe the current known issues in Cloudera Director.

Cannot update environment credentials of environments deployed on Microsoft Azure

With Cloudera Director on Microsoft Azure, the Update Environment Credentials web UI displays only some properties, and does not display all the properties required for the update.

Workaround: Use the API console to update the credentials by performing the following steps:
  1. Go to the Environments section of the API console.
  2. Open the Get /api/v5/environments section, and click Try it out! to list the environments.
  3. Copy the environment name for the environment in which you want to update the credentials.
  4. Open the Get /api/v5/environments/{name} section, paste the environment name into the name parameter box, and click Try it out! to display the environment.
  5. Copy the config block of the JSON (should have keys like tenantId, etc.). You only want the curly braces and content, not the config: key.
  6. Open the Put /api/v5/environments/{name}/provider/credentials section, paste the JSON block, remove the line containing the region (see Note below for an explanation), and replace the REDACTED value of clientSecret with the new value.
  7. Click Try it out! to update the credentials.
On success, you should get a 202 response code. For other response codes, check the error message and look in the Cloudera Director server log if necessary.

External databases are not configured for Hue and Oozie

External databases are not configured for Hue and Oozie in clusters created through the Cloudera Director web UI.

Workaround: External databases can be specified for Hue and Oozie when creating a cluster using the CLI or API.

Cloudera Director does not install the JDBC driver for an existing MySQL database

Cloudera Director automatically installs JDBC drivers on an instance for Cloudera Manager and the CDH clusters it provisions. However, when you use an existing MySQL database with Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Director does not install the JDBC driver, which can result in database connection failures.

Workaround: Select an instance image that already has the JDBC driver installed or use the instance bootstrap script to install the latest available JDBC driver for MySQL.

To install the MySQL JDBC driver, download the driver packages for your platform:

OS Packages
RHEL 5 or 6
Ubuntu or Debian

After you download the JDBC driver packages, you can use a package manager to install the packages.

Package Manager Command
yum sudo yum install -d 1 --assumeyes package_name
Apt sudo aptitude --show-deps --log-level=info --without-recommends --show-versions --verbose --assume-yes install package_name

Cloudera Director cannot deploy Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server

Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server cannot be one of the services deployed by Cloudera Director.

Workaround: Contact Cloudera Support if you need to add Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server.

Creation of a cluster where instance groups have no roles is not possible using the web UI

Cloudera Director's web UI does not allow creation of clusters with instance groups that should not have CDH roles deployed on them.

Workaround: Use the CLI or API to create clusters with instance groups that should not have CDH roles deployed on them. At least one instance group in the cluster must specify roles. Otherwise roles will be automatically allocated across all instances.

Modification of a cluster where instance groups have no roles is not possible using the web UI

Cloudera Director's web UI does not allow modification of clusters with instance groups that should not have CDH roles deployed on them, even if they were created using the API.

Workaround: Use the API to modify clusters with instance groups that should not have CDH roles deployed on them.

Resize script cannot resize XFS partitions

Cloudera Director is unable to resize XFS partitions, which makes creating an instance that uses the XFS filesystem fail during bootstrap.

Workaround: Use an image with an ext filesystem such as ext2, ext3, or ext4.

Cloudera Director does not set up external databases for Sqoop2

Cloudera Director cannot set up external databases for Sqoop2.

Workaround: Set up databases for this service as described in Cloudera Manager and Managed Service Databases.

Metrics not displayed for clusters deployed in Cloudera Manager 5.4 and earlier clusters

Clusters deployed in Cloudera Manager version 5.4 and lower might not have metrics displayed in the web UI if these clusters share the same name as previously deleted clusters.

Workaround: Use Cloudera Manager 5.5 and higher.

Changes to Cloudera Manager username and password must also be made in Cloudera Director

If the Cloudera Manager username and password are changed directly in Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Director can no longer add new instances or authenticate with Cloudera Manager. Username and password changes must be implemented in Cloudera Director as well.

Workaround: Use the Cloudera Director web UI to update the Cloudera Manager username and password.

Cloudera Director does not sync with cluster changes made in Cloudera Manager

Modifying a cluster in Cloudera Manager after it is bootstrapped does not cause the cluster state to be synchronized with Cloudera Director. Services that have been added or removed in Cloudera Manager do not show up in Cloudera Director when growing the cluster.

Workaround: None.

Cloudera Director may use AWS credentials from instance of Cloudera Director server

Cloudera Director Server uses the AWS credentials from a configured Environment, as defined in a client configuration file or through the Cloudera Director web UI. If the Environment is not configured with credentials in Cloudera Director, the Cloudera Director server instead uses the AWS credentials that are configured on the instance on which the Cloudera Director server is running. When those credentials differ from the intended ones, EC2 instances may be allocated under unexpected accounts. Ensure that the Cloudera Director server instance is not configured with AWS credentials.

Severity: Medium

Workaround: Ensure that the Cloudera Director Environment has correct values for the keys. Alternatively, use IAM profiles for the Cloudera Director server instance.

Root partition resize fails on CentOS 6.5 (HVM)

Cloudera Director cannot resize the root partition on Centos 6.5 HVM AMIs. This is caused by a bug in the AMIs. For more information, see the CentOS Bug Tracker.

Workaround: None.

Terminating clusters that are bootstrapping must be terminated twice for the instances to be terminated

Terminating a cluster that is bootstrapping stops ongoing processes but keeps the cluster in the bootstrapping phase.

Severity: Low

Workaround: To transition the cluster to the Terminated phase, terminate the cluster again.

When using RDS and MySQL, Hive Metastore canary may fail in Cloudera Manager

If you include Hive in your clusters and configure the Hive metastore to be installed on MySQL, Cloudera Manager may report, "The Hive Metastore canary failed to create a database." This is caused by a MySQL bug in MySQL 5.6.5 or higher that is exposed when used with the MySQL JDBC driver (used by Cloudera Director) version 5.1.19 or lower. For information on the MySQL bug, see the MySQL bug description.

Workaround: Depending on the driver version installed by Cloudera Director from your platform's software repositories, select an older MySQL version that does not have this bug.