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Kinga Kamaras Headshot
Orange building with turquoise shutters

Enjoying Cloudera’s culture of work/life balance to live a life well traveled

There are some who believe that growing in your professional career and a desire to travel the world don’t mix well. I am not one of those people – in fact, I'm proof that these two ambitions can blend together to create a beautiful life.  

I’m Kinga Kamaras. My title at Cloudera is a Strategic Customer Success Manager. It’s a role I enjoy and growing in my career is a big ambition of mine. But I'm more than just an employee.

A company culture that values work-life balance

If you were to ask me what the greatest asset in life is, I would say “Time”. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. You never get time back. I believe that time is the biggest gift you can give someone and get in return. What's exciting is that it's a gift Cloudera provides by creating a company culture that  values real work-life balance.

The way I see it, you work hard, you play hard and repeat the process. When I work, I am 100% dedicated to what I do, but when I’m clocked out, I’m a passionate traveler with a long bucket list of worldwide destinations and adventures that await. 

Since joining Cloudera, I’ve been fortunate enough to visit 5 continents and some exotic locations like Zanzibar, Dominican Republic and Malaysia!

Plugging into the #ClouderaLife

For those that don’t know, you might be asking, “How are you able to get the time to visit so many locations?” The answer, Unplugged Days. 

Unplugged Days are company-wide extended weekends or even full weeks off that are meant to allow employees time to unplug from work and plug into other parts of life. For me, that means traveling! 

These days have been so valuable to me. During my time off, I refresh my mind by prioritizing self care on my travels. Sometimes, I push myself to get out of my comfort zone and engage with new people and cultures I’m completely unfamiliar with. Also, Unplugged Days offer me the ability to connect with friends and spend quality time with my loved ones. Having the time to travel, decompress and connect with family and friends has brought me so much joy. I can confidentiality say that I am a Clouderan that truly loves living the #ClouderaLife.

Components of a happy employee

One thing I can’t forget to mention is that Cloudera is filled with great teammates that have helped me grow, keep me motivated and on track to reach my larger career ambitions. But I believe that proper work-life balance is key to creating a fully satisfied and engaged employee. I’ve found that balance at Cloudera and I couldn’t be more thankful. 

If pursuing your passions and work life balance are important to you, check out what opportunities Cloudera has for you!  Join the #ClouderaLife.

Kinga Kamaras travel photos

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