Businesses often need to aggregate topics because it is essential for organizing, simplifying, and optimizing the processing of streaming data. It enables efficient analysis, facilitates modular development, and enhances the overall effectiveness of streaming applications. For example, if there are separate clusters, and there are topics with the same purpose in the different clusters, then it is useful to aggregate the content into one topic.
This blog post walks you through how you can use prefixless replication with Streams Replication Manager (SRM) to aggregate Kafka topics from multiple sources. To be specific, we will be diving deep into a prefixless replication scenario that involves the aggregation of two topics from two separate Kafka clusters into a third cluster.
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up the SRM service for prefixless replication, how to create and replicate topics with Kafka and SRM command line (CLI) tools, and how to verify your setup using Streams Messaging Manger (SMM). Security setup and other advanced configurations are not discussed.
The following tutorial assumes that you are familiar with SRM concepts like replications and replication flows, replication policies, the basic service architecture of SRM, as well as prefixless replication. If not, you can check out this related blog post. Alternatively, you can read about these concepts in our SRM Overview.
In this scenario you have three clusters. All clusters contain Kafka. Additionally, the target cluster (srm-target) has SRM and SMM deployed on it.
The SRM service on srm-target is used to pull Kafka data from the other two clusters. That is, this replication setup will be operating in pull mode, which is the Cloudera-recommended architecture for SRM deployments.
In pull mode, the SRM service (specifically the SRM driver role instances) replicates data by pulling from their sources. So rather than having SRM on source clusters pushing the data to target clusters, you use SRM located on the target cluster to pull the data into its co-located Kafka cluster.Pull mode is recommended as it is the deployment type that was found to provide the highest amount of resilience against various timeout and network instability issues. You can find a more in-depth explanation of pull mode in the official docs.
The records from both source topics will be aggregated into a single topic on the target cluster. All the while, you will be able to use SMM’s powerful UI features to monitor and verify what’s happening.
First, you need to set up the SRM service located on the target cluster.
SRM needs to know which Kafka clusters (or Kafka services) are targets and which ones are sources, where they are located, how it can connect and communicate with them, and how it should replicate the data. This is configured in Cloudera Manager and is a two-part process. First, you define Kafka credentials, then you configure the SRM service.
You define your source (external) clusters using Kafka Credentials. A Kafka Credential is an item that contains the properties required by SRM to establish a connection with a cluster. You can think of a Kafka credential as the definition of a single cluster. It contains the name (alias), address (bootstrap servers), and credentials that SRM can use to access a specific cluster.
The setup in this tutorial is minimal and unsecure, so you only need to configure Name, Bootstrap Servers, and Security Protocol lines. The security protocol in this case is PLAINTEXT.
After the credentials are set up, you’ll need to configure various SRM service properties. These properties specify the target (co-located) cluster, tell SRM what replications should be enabled, and that replication should happen in prefixless mode. All of this is done on the configuration page of the SRM service.
1. From the Cloudera Manager home page, select the “Streams Replication Manager” service.
2. Go to “Configuration.”
3. Specify the co-located cluster alias with “Streams Replication Manager Co-located Kafka Cluster Alias.”
The co-located cluster alias is the alias (short name) of the Kafka cluster that SRM is deployed together with. All clusters in an SRM deployment have aliases. You use the aliases to refer to clusters when configuring properties and when running the srm-control tool. Set this to:
Notice that you only need to specify the alias of the co-located Kafka cluster, entering connection information like you did for the external clusters is not ended. This is because Cloudera Manager passes this information automatically to SRM.
This property must contain the names of the Kafka credentials that you created in a previous step. This tells SRM which Kafka credentials it should import to its configuration. Set this to:
The property contains a comma-delimited list of all cluster aliases. That is, all aliases you previously added to the Streams Replication Manager Co-located Kafka Cluster Alias and External Kafka Accounts properties. Set this to:
The property contains a comma-delimited list of all cluster aliases. That is, all aliases you previously added to the Streams Replication Manager Co-located Kafka Cluster Alias and External Kafka Accounts properties. Set this to:
This property specifies the cluster that the SRM service role will gather replication metrics from (i.e. monitor). In pull mode, the service roles must always target their co-located cluster. Set this to:
This property is a jack-of-all-trades and is used to set many SRM properties that are not directly available in Cloudera Manager. But most importantly, it is used to specify your replications. Remove the default value and add the following:
This property enables prefixless replication and tells SRM to use the IdentityReplicationPolicy, which is the ReplicationPolicy that replicates without prefixes.
Now that SRM setup is complete, you need to create one of your source topics and produce some data. This can be done using the kafka-producer-perf-test CLI tool.
This tool creates the topic and produces the data in one go. The tool is available by default on all CDP clusters, and can be called directly by typing its name. No need to specify full paths.
Notice that the tool will produce 2000 records. This will be important later on when we verify replication on the SMM UI.
So, you have SRM set up, and your topic is ready. Let’s replicate.
Although your replications are set up, SRM and the source clusters are connected, data is not flowing, the replication is inactive. To activate replication, you need to use the srm-control CLI tool to specify what topics should be replicated.
Using the tool you can manipulate the replication to allow and deny lists (or topic filters), which control what topics are replicated. By default, no topic is replicated, but you can change this with a few simple commands.
Notice that even though the topic on srm2 doesn’t exist yet, we added the topic to the replication allow list as well. The topic will be created later. In this case, we are activating its replication ahead of time.
Now that replication is activated, the deployment is in the following state:
In the next few steps, we will shift the focus to SMM to demonstrate how you can leverage its UI to gain insights into what is actually going on in your target cluster.
Notice the following:
After successfully replicating data in a prefixless fashion, its time move forward and aggregate the data from the other source cluster. First you’ll need to set up the test topic in the second source cluster (srm2), as it doesn’t exist yet. This topic must have the exact same name and configurations as the one on the first source cluster (srm1).
To do this, you need to run kafka-producer-perf-test again, but this time on a host of the srm2 cluster. Additionally, for bootstrap you’ll need to specify srm2 hosts.
Notice how only the bootstraps are different from the first command. This is crucial, the topics on the two clusters must be identical in name and configuration. Otherwise, the topic on the target cluster will constantly switch between two configuration states. Additionally, if the names do not match, aggregation will not happen.
After the producer is finished with creating the topic and producing the 2000 records, the topic is immediately replicated. This is because we preactivated replication of the test topic in a previous step. Additionally, the topic records are automatically aggregated into the test topic on srm-target.
You can verify that aggregation has happened by having a look at the topic in the SMM UI.
The following indicates that aggregation has happened:
In this blog post we looked at how you can use SRM’s prefixless replication feature to aggregate Kafka topics from multiple clusters into a single target cluster.
Although aggregation was in focus, note that prefixless replication can be used for non-aggregation type replication scenarios as well. For example, it is the perfect tool to migrate that old Kafka deployment running on CDH, HDP, or HDF to CDP.
If you want to learn more about SRM and Kafka in CDP Private Cloud Base, hop over to Cloudera’s doc portal and see Streams Messaging Concepts, Streams Messaging How Tos, and/or the Streams Messaging Migration Guide.
To get hands on with SRM, download Cloudera Stream Processing Community edition here.
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