ClouderaNOW24  Product demos. Q&As. Exclusive sneak peeks.

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Course Length

This course includes 45 minutes of video content. Note: In order to complete the hands-on exercises for this course, students must have access to CDW through their organization.

Course Topics

Through videos and hands-on exercises, learners achieve proficiency in CDW and develop the skills required to:

  • Identify the primary purpose and benefits of CDW
  • Access CDW and navigate different pages within it
  • Create a Database Catalog and a Virtual Warehouse in CDW (Data Engineer)
  • Describe how CDW scales automatically (Data Engineer)
  • Change settings for Hive and Impala Virtual Warehouses (Data Engineer)
  • Run a query using Hue or DAS with a CDW Virtual Warehouse (Data Analyst)
  • Connect to a Virtual Warehouse from the command line (Data Analyst)
  • Connect a third-party tool to a CDW Virtual Warehouse (Data Analyst)

Audience and Prerequisites

This course is designed for data analysts and data engineers. There are no prerequisites, though access to a working Cloudera Data Platform with CDW is required in order to complete the hands-on exercises.

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